Kari Simpson truly believes that this project was established to “dupe parents and introduce children into homosexist politics and pornography, effectively recruiting children into a sexualized culture of porn and games of debauchery.” (slapupsidethehead, 2011) I personally find this incredibly offensive. The LGBTTQ* group has more often than not been antagonized, ignored and insulted. This program, will help the lives of so many members of the LGBTTQ* group that has yet to become an adult and because this program works, more will have the opportunity to become adults. Kari has tried to defend herself and her suspicion by simply announcing that she does not “hate gays” but that she, without prejudice, believes that this program will show pornography or encourage pornography and promote sexual activity with young adults. (cultureguard, 2011)
I believe this woman is fighting for something she believes in because it’s part of how she was raised and it very much leans towards a neo-conservative ideology. Mullaly said “that one of the beliefs is that traditional, heterosexual marriage with children is the cornerstone of society.” (Mullaly, 75) From my perspective, Kari, like many other neo-conservatives, assert their fundamental dissatisfaction for the LGBTTQ* group by reading as much fine print as possible and creating reservations and causing suspicion in order to prevent growth in a program not unlike “Out in Schools.” It takes a lot of courage to build up a program like this one and the LGBTTQ* group has suffered deeply over the years. On the other hand, I am sure there are many people in society that wish to see this program fail, so we, as a society and as part of the LGBTTQ* group, must look and assume that one day that we will not have to fight for our right to have programs to support us.
Barsotti, Natasha. (September 14th 2011). Simpson Files Police Complaint Against Anti-Homophobia Program. Retrieved from http://www.xtra.ca/public/Vancouver/Simpson_files_police_complaint_against_antihomophobia_program-10757.aspx
Johnstone, Ross. (2010). What is Out in Schools?. Retrieved from http://www.outinschools.com/content/What_is_Out_in_Schools_/1
Mullaly, R. (2007). The new structural social work (3rd Ed.) Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press
Unknown Author. (September 16th2011). Conservative Radio Host Files Police Complaint Over School Anti-Homophobia Initiative. Retrieved from http://www.slapupsidethehead.com/2011/09/conservative-radio-host-files-police-complaint-over-school-anti-homophobia-initiative/ .
Webmaster. (September 13 2011). Video Part 2: Scammed, Swooned and Corrupted: The True Agenda of OUT IN SCHOOLS. Retrieved from www.cultureguard.com
We have similar blog entrys and have we have some of the same references as well! Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI also used the video created by cultureguard and this video angered me. It is making the porgram (Out in School) appear horrible. This program is a positive program that has helped numerous LGBTTQ* groups with much supports, it has helped many with an easier coming out transition and so on.I believe that this program should be implemented in all schools.
Stephanie M.
This is certainly a hot topic these days, especially in view of the highly publicized gay teen suicides last year (U.S.). Canada has quite progressive laws around gay and lesbian rights (less so for transgendered people). But we are in a neoconservative era... It's hard to go back and undo those human rights laws, so a lot of the backlash comes at the level of the school programming and is more likely to be expressed via the media than by elected reps, who tend to get into trouble when they make public statements like this.
ReplyDeleteAs social workers, it's useful to look at the research on such policies, in view of the high prevalence of gay and transgendered bullying in schools and the very serious impacts this can have on queer kids (or those who are perceived to be queer).
Good post!